The Orchard Studios Collaboration

The Orchard Studios Collaboration

The Orchard Studios x Mia Piel Collab

Its time to talk about our collaborations! Over the past few months we have been searching and curating for the perfect partners. The first we want to discuss and tell you all about is one that is close to my heart, not only on a professional level but a personal one too.
When thinking about the growth of Mia , its crucial for me and the business that we are reaching the right audience. Yes the natural skincare industry is obviously my primary focus, but as i have mentioned efrom the beginning, Mia is more than just a skincare brand, we are rooted in growth, healing and wellbeing.
I met harriett here in ibiza back in 2018, back then she was the photographer on a campaign i was modelling for and from there are friendship blossomed. Harriet has produced Some of my favourite photos captured of me during an impromptu shooting at the infamous pikes. Harriet then returned to the UK permanently where she started her venture on the renovating the farm and creating her family, all of  which I watched and admired here in Ibiza. We stayed in touch and she shared her ideas she had for the farm,  Harriet is an amazing woman and has a her own unique style and taste which is admire so much, so when i launched Mia Piel i couldnt wait to ask her about the possibility of collaborating with The orchard studios.
The orchard studios is not only absolutely stunning inside and out but the home of hollistic wellbeing, offering a variety of yoga classes hosted by Harriet herself and others.  From sound healing to meditation classes and retreats she covers a variety of classes and teachings all on the bespoke farm based in Cheshire. If you are ever in the area, make sure you check it out!
This year Mia Piel will be providing sample bags and a exsclusive discount code that will be included in the orchard studios retreats. We believe the clients here will resonate with our brand and products deeply as does Harriet. Lets celebrate Healing your body from the inside out, the natural way!
Love Sheree x


End of the Month Reflection – Embracing Growth, Nature, and Balance

End of the Month Reflection – Embracing Growth, Nature, and Balance

Hola Mia Piel Fam!

Embracing Growth, Nature, and Balance. As we wrap up another month, I find myself in a whirlwind of reflection, gratitude, and anticipation. The journey of life, much like the natural skincare path we tread together, is filled with its own unique blend of challenges and rewards. This month, in particular, has been a profound chapter in my personal journey, marked by the vibrant awakening of spring, the energetic shift of the Spring Equinox, and the astrological dances of Aries Sun and the Libra Lunar Eclipse.

Spring: A Season of Renewal

Spring is not just a season it’s a vibrant renewing force, urging us to embark on a journey of cleansing and rejuvenation. As the earth sheds its wintery blanket, it invites us to mirror its transformation in our homes, our minds, and our work lives. This spring cleaning goes beyond the physical spaces we occupy; it’s an introspective process that allows us to declutter our minds and refresh our spirits. This month has been a kaleidoscope of emotions – a rigorous yet rewarding expedition marked by lessons, surprises, and milestones. I’ve never felt more connected to my body and spirit, and that resonates deeply within me. This spiritual awakening has not only enhanced my self-awareness but has also made me more attuned to the energies around me, including the intuitive senses of my dogs. Their ability to mirror my energy has been a powerful reminder of the importance of maintaining inner peace and harmony.

Our Brand: A Beacon of Healing and Growth

Our natural skincare brand stands as a testament to healing and growth, principles that are deeply intertwined with my personal evolution. In the spirit of honesty and transparency, I feel compelled to share parts of my journey with you. It’s a narrative filled with growth, learning, and self-discovery, mirroring the ethos of our brand. We have embarked on exciting collaborations with several retreats, paving the way for an inspiring future. Discussions are underway about hosting our own workshop, a space for learning, sharing, and growing together. This new venture reflects our commitment to growing a community grounded in the principles of natural wellness and holistic growth.

Gratitude and Laughter: The Essence of Life

Amidst the whirlwind of activities and emotions, one thing remains constant – the power of laughter and gratitude. Life, with all its ups and downs, is inherently funny, and embracing this humour makes the journey all the more enriching. I am forever grateful for the continuous support from each one of you. Your encouragement fuels our collective journey towards healing, growth, and self-discovery. As we share this blog across various platforms, we aim to connect, inspire, and engage with a likeminded audience. Your support and engagement mean the world to us.

Here’s to a journey filled with growth, laughter, and balance.

Thank you for being an integral part of our story.

Sheree x

The Journey of Self Love – A Personal Reflection

The Journey of Self Love – A Personal Reflection

The Journey of Self Love – A Personal Reflection

Valentine’s Day: A Celebration of Self Love

Valentine’s Day, often focuses on expressing affection towards others. Yet, it’s essential to remember the most profound relationship we’ll ever have is with ourselves. My journey towards self-love has been both challenging and rewarding, filled with moments of discomfort and deep introspection. It’s a path I’m still navigating, learning to appreciate and care for myself more each day.

As Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s easy to get swept up in the romance and the expectations of love from others. But through my own journey, I’ve realized a profound truth that has reshaped my perspective on love and life: the importance of self-love. Loving oneself isn’t just a feel-good mantra; it’s the bedrock upon which we build our capacity to love and be loved by others. It’s a lesson I’ve come to embrace wholeheartedly and I’m learning to cherish every step.

The Realization and Shift

My journey to self-love has been, to put it mildly, eye-opening. I’ve discovered it’s a constant process of growth. It involves asking myself tough questions, facing truths I’d rather avoid, and yes, enduring those inevitable cringe moments that come with deep self-reflection. Through it all, I’ve learned to appreciate the journey, recognizing that these experiences are integral to my growth.

For years, my focus was outward. I prided myself on my work ethic, always striving to meet the needs and expectations of those around me. But after years of relentless effort, often at the expense of my own well-being, I came to a stark realization, this path was leading me nowhere fast, and the appreciation I so desperately sought from others was fleeting.

It was a turning point that led me to create “Mia Piel,” a personal endeavor born from my realization that I needed to start prioritizing myself. The name itself, meaning “my skin” in Spanish, signifies the importance of caring for oneself, both inside and out. After all, our skin is the largest organ of our body, and through my own experiences, I’ve seen firsthand how the stresses and strains of life can leave their mark.

The Importance of Self-Love

Self-love is the bedrock upon which we build our interactions with the world. It teaches us that we cannot expect love from others if we do not love ourselves first. This realization has been pivotal in my life, reshaping how I view relationships and self-worth. It’s about understanding that you can’t pour from an empty cup and that self-love is not selfish but necessary. In my daily life, I’ve incorporated various self-care strategies that range from mindfulness to setting boundaries between work and personal time. These practices have been instrumental in maintaining my mental and physical well-being.

The journey hasn’t been without its challenges, from external pressures to internal doubts. However, overcoming these obstacles has only made me stronger and more committed to my path of self-acceptance. Learning to love the imperfect me has been a powerful process. It’s an ongoing journey, one that requires patience, understanding, and a lot of self-compassion.

Valentines Day with Myself

This Valentine’s Day, I’m choosing to celebrate in a way that might seem unconventional to some: I’ll be spending it alone, continuing my journey of self-love. It’s a decision that fills me with a sense of peace and excitement. After all, learning to love oneself is a profound act of courage and compassion. It’s about acknowledging your worth, embracing your imperfections, and recognizing that the most enduring and fulfilling love is the love you give to yourself.

This Valentine’s Day, let’s make a commitment to ourselves: to love, honour, and cherish who we are, in all our imperfect glory. Because at the end of the day, the relationship we have with ourselves is the most important one we’ll ever have.

To anyone reading this, know that the journey to self-love is unique for each of us. It’s not always easy, and it doesn’t happen overnight. But it’s a journey worth taking. As we learn to love and accept ourselves, we open the door to a life filled with deeper connections, greater fulfillment, and a love that transcends the boundaries of the physical heart.

Big Love to everyone

Sheree x

Body Relief oil – Experience the Magic of Mia Piel

Body Relief oil – Experience the Magic of Mia Piel

Experience the Magic of our Body Relief oil:

Mia Piel Skincare – CBD & Tamanu Oil Body Elixir

Welcome to the enchanting world of Mia Piel Skincare, where we believe in the power of nature to heal, rejuvenate, and transform your skin. Today, we’re excited to introduce you to our star player in the realm of natural healing: The Relief Body Oil. This isn’t just any body oil; it’s your ticket to a skin paradise where CBD, Tamanu oil, almond oil, and arnica come together in a symphony of healing and care. Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into a world of wonder, laughter, and some seriously good skincare.

Why Relief Body Oil? Because Your Skin Deserves a Vacation!
Imagine if your skin could take a vacation, lounging in the soothing embrace of nature’s best. That’s what our Relief Body Oil offers. It’s not just a product; it’s an experience, a ritual, and a loving embrace all rolled into one. But why, you ask? Let’s break down this bottle of miracles:

CBD: Your Skin’s Zen Master
CBD in skincare? You bet! This wonder ingredient is like a zen master for your skin, teaching it the art of calm and balance. CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it a champion for soothing irritated skin, bidding farewell to redness, and even saying “see you never” to acne. It’s like having a tiny, invisible skincare guru on your side, working tirelessly to keep your skin in a state of blissful zen.

Tamanu Oil: The Secret Healer
Ever heard of Tamanu oil? If not, your skin is in for a treat. This exotic treasure, sourced from the nuts of the Tamanu tree, is the skincare world’s best-kept secret. It’s famed for its regenerative properties, making it a hero for healing scars, improving skin elasticity, and even giving stretch marks a run for their money. Tamanu oil doesn’t just heal; it transforms, turning your skin story into one of radiance and resilience.

Almond Oil & Arnica: Nature’s Embrace

Almond oil and Arnica are like the supportive best friends your skin always wished for. Almond oil, rich in Vitamin E, dives deep into your skin, offering hydration that lasts while showing the exit door to dark circles and fine lines. Arnica, on the other hand, is the warrior that battles bruises, eases muscle tension, and makes puffiness a thing of the past. Together, they create a nurturing cocoon, ensuring your skin is cared for and loved, just like it deserves.

Laugh Your Way to Radiant Skin!
At Mia Piel Skincare, we believe that laughter is the best cosmetic. So, why not have a little fun while giving your skin the nutrients it needs? Imagine your skin sipping on a cocktail of CBD, Tamanu oil, almond oil, and Arnica, getting its groove on, and tossing away worries like dullness, dryness, and irritation. It’s not just skincare; it’s a joyful journey to your best skin yet.

Healing the Natural Way: Our Promise to You

We’re not just about making you look good; we’re about making you feel good, inside and out. Our Relief Body Oil is a testament to our commitment to healing the natural way. We believe in the power of nature, the importance of laughter, and the magic of a skincare routine that’s as enjoyable as it is effective. With every drop of our oil, you’re not just nurturing your skin; you’re embracing a lifestyle, a philosophy, and a community that cherishes natural healing and genuine joy.

In the world of Mia Piel Skincare, every day is an opportunity to love your skin and laugh your heart out. Our Relief Body Oil is your companion on this journey, a blend of nature’s finest, ready to soothe, heal, and delight. So, why wait? Dive into the experience and let your skin relish the vacation it deserves!

Remember, with Mia Piel’s Relief Body Oil, you’re not just taking care of your skin; you’re embarking on a healing journey that’s natural, joyful, and utterly transformative. Say goodbye to the mundane and hello to radiant, healthy, happy skin!

If you haven’t already indulged in the transformative wonders of our Relief Body Oil, now’s the perfect time! Enjoy an exclusive 20% off and free shipping. Just use code WELCOME20 at checkout.

With love,
Sheree x

Embracing Self Care Sundays: A Journey with Mia Piel Skincare

Embracing Self Care Sundays: A Journey with Mia Piel Skincare

Hola From Ibiza this windy but yet beautiful morning!

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the importance of self-care. However, as I immerse myself deeper into the world of natural skincare with Mia Piel, I’ve come to cherish and prioritize ‘Self-Care Sundays’. A dedicated day for rejuvenation, healing, and reconnecting with oneself.

With Mia Piel, our commitment goes beyond just crafting natural skincare products; we advocate for the profound healing power of Mother Nature’s gifts. Through my personal journey, I’ve discovered the profound impact of integrating self-care practices into my routine.

One of my go-to activities during Self-Care Sundays is diving into the world of literature. Whether it’s an inspiring self-help book, a gripping novel, or an informative piece about holistic wellness, reading fuels my mind and nurtures my soul. Walking my furry companions under the golden hues of the morning sun is another crucial aspect of my self-care routine. Witnessing their joyous enthusiasm reminds me of the simple pleasures life offers, grounding me in the present moment.

I love to move my body ( it makes me feel goood baby!) and since i stopped dancing its essential for me to stay active. Stretching has become an essential part of my routine, allowing me to release tension and embrace flexibility. AND, pole dancing has been an unexpected yet empowering addition to my self-care journey. Not only does it challenge me physically, but it also fosters a sense of confidence and liberation. ✨

Combining these rituals with the nourishing benefits of Mia Piel’s natural skincare products has elevated my Self-Care Sundays to a whole new level. From the calming scent of our peppermint cream to the rejuvenating effects of sea water and algae extract in our cleanser, each product embodies the essence of self-care and self-love.

Here at Mia Piel, we encourage everyone to embrace their unique self-care journey. It’s not just about flawless skin; it’s about fostering a holistic approach to well being. As you indulge in your favorite activities, remember to treat your skin and your soul with the kindness it deserves.

With a focus on organic ingredients and eco-friendly practices, Mia Piel Skincare invites you to join us in celebrating Self-Care Sundays. Take a step towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle, one nourishing routine at a time.

In this fast-paced world, let’s not forget the importance of slowing down, reconnecting with ourselves, and embracing the beauty of self-care. Together, with Mia Piel, let’s make Self-Care Sundays an essential part of our journey towards inner peace and radiance.

Remember, you deserve this moment of self-care. Embrace it wholeheartedly, cherish it, and let it be your sanctuary in this chaotic world. Here’s to nourishing your skin, nurturing your soul, and embracing the transformative power of Self-Care Sundays with Mia Piel Skincare.

Author on beach with dogs

Crucial part of my morning routine with my fur babies.

Lots of love
Sheree 🤍
Mia Piel Skincare