The Orchard Studios Collaboration

The Orchard Studios Collaboration

The Orchard Studios x Mia Piel Collab

Its time to talk about our collaborations! Over the past few months we have been searching and curating for the perfect partners. The first we want to discuss and tell you all about is one that is close to my heart, not only on a professional level but a personal one too.
When thinking about the growth of Mia , its crucial for me and the business that we are reaching the right audience. Yes the natural skincare industry is obviously my primary focus, but as i have mentioned efrom the beginning, Mia is more than just a skincare brand, we are rooted in growth, healing and wellbeing.
I met harriett here in ibiza back in 2018, back then she was the photographer on a campaign i was modelling for and from there are friendship blossomed. Harriet has produced Some of my favourite photos captured of me during an impromptu shooting at the infamous pikes. Harriet then returned to the UK permanently where she started her venture on the renovating the farm and creating her family, all of  which I watched and admired here in Ibiza. We stayed in touch and she shared her ideas she had for the farm,  Harriet is an amazing woman and has a her own unique style and taste which is admire so much, so when i launched Mia Piel i couldnt wait to ask her about the possibility of collaborating with The orchard studios.
The orchard studios is not only absolutely stunning inside and out but the home of hollistic wellbeing, offering a variety of yoga classes hosted by Harriet herself and others.  From sound healing to meditation classes and retreats she covers a variety of classes and teachings all on the bespoke farm based in Cheshire. If you are ever in the area, make sure you check it out!
This year Mia Piel will be providing sample bags and a exsclusive discount code that will be included in the orchard studios retreats. We believe the clients here will resonate with our brand and products deeply as does Harriet. Lets celebrate Healing your body from the inside out, the natural way!
Love Sheree x